Favourite countries and nationalities for intimate tourists

The commercial sex industry has become a real discovery of the current century for many countries of the world, and it is not that it did not exist there before, it’s just that only recently world governments have begun to realise the undeniable benefits of legalising prostitution. After all, the market of intimate services has flourished at all times and in all regions, but more often they tried to fight it rather than regulate it. However, political currents had little influence on the work of prostitutes – the girls continued to serve customers regardless of the chosen government course, just in case of aggravation of the situation, brothels and independent individuals went underground. 

Fortunately, the first steps of highly developed countries towards the legalisation of prostitutes several decades ago showed that the legal status of erotic professions can bring great benefits. As a result, more and more countries are now choosing to legalise and legally regulate the controversial industry. And although ordinary people are not yet sufficiently familiar with the specifics of the intimate industry, because of which they are not always ready to accept its representatives, active educational activities help to sort out many points and highlight the most resonant issues. For example, the analysts of our editorial staff decided to open the veil of mystery over the work of prostitutes and collected information about which countries, nationalities and even working names of prostitutes became in demand in 2023 -2023. 

Top countries for ‘adult’ holidays 

Sex tourism, as a mass phenomenon, appeared relatively recently, but earlier there were travellers who got to a new country and immediately started looking for available girlfriends for the night. Nowadays, tourists are not only welcomed with open arms by all brothels and intimate salons of the world, but even some travel agencies make itineraries taking into account the specifics of the local ero-segment. For example, in 2023-2024 the most flattering reviews collected the following destinations: 

1. Mexico. The Latin American region has entered the market of intimate services relatively recently, but has already managed to leave all competitors far behind. For example, over the past two years, Mexico has become so popular among sex tourists that it has overtaken even the ultra-famous Netherlands and Thailand. The secret of the Mexican commercial sex market lies in its legality and financial accessibility. In the country, you can rent a girlfriend for the night almost everywhere, from nightlife entertainment venues to ordinary beaches. But the most amazing thing is that the country is highly developed online – sites with escort girls in Tijuana, Mexico City and Cancun give access to hundreds of profiles of young and attractive Latinas. Here each customer will find a variant to his taste and taking into account available financial opportunities, and he will not have to wander the night streets, risking his health in search of putanas. 

2. Turkey. Turkish resorts have long been known around the world as comfortable and inexpensive, so the flow of tourists to the country is always active and stable. However, with the legalisation of prostitution, sensual pleasure seekers were added to the usual travellers, which significantly increased the popularity of Turkey around the world. At the same time, the regulation and control of sex services takes place at the municipal level, which allows to clearly define and solve the current problems of all parties to the process. It is also worth mentioning that along with classic prostitution, male prostitution is flourishing in the country, so the number of male holidaymakers here is approximately equal to the number of female tourists. 

3. Brazil. Brazilian carnivals are the most famous highlight of the country, about which all travellers in the world have heard. But few people know that during such events the demand for girls of easy behaviour increases many times, while the cost of sex services decreases. Moreover, some individuals at the peak of entertainment may well give a night of love to the man they like for free, which makes the local intimate industry even more popular and in demand. 

4. Countries of the Arab region. A separate place in the top countries for sex tourism is occupied by the countries of the Arab region – UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, where elite escorts, rather than classic prostitution, are popular. This is due to the high level of economy and general prosperity of the country’s residents, as well as the large number of businessmen and wealthy holidaymakers who regularly visit local resorts. 

Nationalities prone to prostitution 

In the first part of the research our analysts shared data on the popularity of intimate services of individual countries, while in the second part we will study the nationalities whose representatives are more often found among escorts. It is noteworthy that the participants of both rankings are practically not repeated, as some countries prefer to develop their own erotic segment, while in other countries it is not given due attention, because of which local prostitutes go to work abroad. A vivid example is Russia, whose natives are most often found in the global commercial sex industry, having left their native country due to the low standard of living. Russian prostitutes work in almost all countries where paid intimate services are legalised, so this nationality has become the most numerous in the intimate environment. 

The second nationality prone to prostitution is the French – almost every top brothel considers it a great fortune to have a sophisticated and skilful Frenchwoman on its staff. At the same time in the country itself the intimate industry is not so developed, because among the countries with available individual women France could take only 13th position. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the country is considered an ideal place for family and romantic trips, so couples come here, not in search of affordable partners. 

The third line of our top is occupied by Ukrainians – Slavic beauties who are equally in demand both in the intimate industry of their native country and abroad. And although commercial sex in Ukraine is still illegal, prostitutes in Kiev, Odessa and other cities freely seek customers not only in nightclubs or on the streets, but also through specialised sites on the Internet. And the spread of local prostitutes to brothels in other countries is due to higher earnings and the possibility to get a job legally. Therefore, many Ukrainian women go abroad to earn money in order to return home in the future to a more familiar living environment. 

What is interesting, the only country that made it into the top ten of both ratings is Mexico. Latina individuals are rightfully considered to be among the most attractive and passionate, so they are gladly hired by intimate establishments in many countries with a legal intimate industry. 

List of favourite working names of prostitutes 

In a way, prostitution is a creative profession, because girls often have to try on different roles and play different scenarios. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the intimate environment, many escorts prefer to work under a fictitious name – a pseudonym. And while some professionals choose a working name to hide their real personality and separate their working life from their everyday life, for others a pseudonym is a way to attract the attention of customers, as well as to create their own brand of intimate services with a certain reputation. For example, on a website with Mexico City prostitutes, you can find unique variants that are almost never found in ordinary life – Avilla, Columbina or Lorrisa. 

However, many escort girls are more adventurous in their choice of working names, so they choose common variants that allow them to successfully get lost among thousands of other girls. For example, in 2023-2024, options such as Jessica, Linda or Sarah are in demand – simple names that are regularly encountered in everyday life. It is also common to meet individuals named Maria, Diana, Alice or Eva – these pseudonyms also made it into the top ten in terms of popularity. 

On a separate stage is the elite segment of escort services – among these sex professionals it is customary to choose elegant and memorable pseudonyms. Therefore, here you will be able to rent girls with working names: Camille, Marianne, Roxanne or Charlotte – exquisite beauties who will brighten up the client’s evening with a pleasant conversation and will be an excellent accompaniment for any event. 

October 31, 2024 7:51 am

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